The works to be listened to on this cd came into being in Vienna, 1782-1789, the period described by H.C. Robbins Landon as ‘The Golden Years’. During these years Mozart composed some remarkable pieces in minor keys for pianoforte solo. These compositions breathe a spirit of despair, anguish, disquiet and depression. The expressive range of these alarming works exceeds by far the ‘normal’ scale of musical expression of the late eighteenth century. On this cd are five of these exceptional compositions.
In Vienna at that time Mozart’s virtuosity as a pianist was still more esteemed than his genius as a composer. In particular his ability to extemporize was considered by the Viennese to be unique. On each occasion that Mozart performed as a pianoforte virtuoso, the moment would arrive when someone would hand him a musical theme, to be used as a starting point for unprepared extemporizing. This presenting a them ‘on the spot’ was of crucial importance, in order to appraise the improvisation. It prevented, as was the habit of some virtuosi, the dishing up a pre-cooked composition as a spontaneous invention. Abbé Maxmilian Stadler remembered how “… in the art of free extemporizing Mozart had no peer..” and that “… his improvisations were as well-structured as if he had them lying written out before him…”. By nature an improvisation is transient, impossible to repeat. But fortunately Mozart left us two compositions that may be considered as an example of his phenomenal art of improvisation: Fantasy in D minor-major¸K.397 and Fantasy in C minor, K.475.
Leen de Broekert (1949-2009) studied Piano and Organ at the Royal Academy of Music in The Hague. He graduated in both subjects. He also qualified as a harpsichord player and fortepianist with Jos van Immerseel. In 1979 he was one of the laureates of the International Contest for Organ in Bruges, with an honourable citation for his Interpretation of Bach. As a fortepianist and organist he was frequently asked for concerts in Germany as well as in Holland. He also performed in England, France, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Italy and Switzerland and recorded several CDs both on pianoforte and organ. Leen de Broekert was the organist of the Koorkerk (Abbey church) in Middelburg. He died, at the age of sixty, after a short illness, in Middelburg on 29 July 2009.
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Visit the website of Leen de Broekert
press quotes:
PIANO JOURNAL The Mozart recordings, released in de 250th anniversary year, are a delight.
It is refreshing to hear a sensitive and musical performer who is willing to allow Mozart’s music to breathe. Too many virtuosi rush through the music as though it were a hundred metre race. De Broekert plays with the agogic accentuation of a harpsichordist, which suits Mozart’s keyboard music very well, allowing it to speak and breathe. He also makes use of the custom of inégal.
This is definitely a recording to treasure on the road less travelled. It is good to see the inclusion of rarely heard pieces such as the Menuett KV 355 and Rondo KV 511 and 494. Well-known sonatas are given surprising twists, with improvised cadenzas and flourishing ornamentations. What a joy tot listen to the simplicity of the Sonata in C major KV 330, and the emotional impact of the C minor pair of Fantasie and Sonata, particularly as they are enhanced by the rattling power of sound of the – perhaps – superior predecessor of the modern piano. Tau Wey